Accurate Thinking – for Decision Making

accurate thinking

In his multi-million copy bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill  discussed accurate thinking as a method of considering a situation for maximum benefit.

In his multi-million copy bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill  discussed accurate thinking as a method of considering a situation for maximum benefit.

It sounds unnecessary to have to make this point, doesn’t it?

After all, who would think carelessly? My take on the opposite of “Accurate Thinking.”

In my recent book, Profit Propeller available in Amazon, I discuss the entrepreneurial mindset as phenomena I come across virtually every week with the business owners I meet and talk to.

To me, the entrepreneurial mindset is both a gift and a curse. But it also represents a perfect example of the opposite of accurate thinking, in other words “careless thinking”. Do not get me wrong. It is not careless. And it is not self-delusion.

It is also not “accurate thinking”.

Let me explain…

The Entrepreneurial Mindset – From Profit Propeller

Published on Amazon

One of the key characteristics of the entrepreneurial mindset is the ability to overcome obstacles and setbacks on a regular basis. For entrepreneurs, these are just part of the process along the path to success. It is pointless to dwell on setbacks and “failures” for any length of time. There is too much to do, and too little time to do it.

That is the gift of the entrepreneurial mindset.

So what is the curse?

The problem with the entrepreneurial mindset, to my mind, is the lack of consideration to the lessons being delivered by setbacks and “failures”. By not wanting to dwell on areas that are not working well, entrepreneurs do not extract all the positive lessons that are there to be learned for their own benefit.

Sometimes, they stick to a path that is less than optimal, simply because it is not broken. To do this in spite of the fact that a period of “accurate thinking” would allow them to double or even treble their effectiveness.

I say they. I should really say “we” because I consider myself to be well and truly in this category!

Our time strangled lives, our inability to concentrate for any length of time, a symptom of today’s fast paced digital society, is only exacerbating the problem.

Rushing from one task to another… Overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do lists… Distracted by the volume of incidents on our browsers… All make the chances of accurate thinking less likely.

1) Unplug from the digital world for 60 minutes per day.

Consider how you work, and identify the time of the day you are most productive. The time of the day you are most creative. This is the time to unplug for your “Power 60 (TM)” activity.

During this time, have ready a list of tasks, no more than three, that you will focus on, one of the time, to the exclusion of all others. These tasks should ideally be tasks that are important, but not urgent, as defined by Stephen Covey in his excellent book “First Things fFrst”.  I recommend you read if you have not already done so in the last year or so.

For more information on this concept, you may wish to watch my video I extracted from my recent “Online Profit Multiplier Workshop”. LINK

2) Practice relaxing for five minutes every hour.

It sounds simple, but if you haven’t done this recently, you may find it surprisingly difficult.

Not because you cannot find five minutes, although for some it is more difficult than for others. But because properly relaxing for five minutes is so alien to our normal routine, we have to relearn how to do it.

There is compelling research, (I will look for it and post it on the future blog) to show that periods of concentration of 50 minutes, followed by a completely different activity for 10 minutes, increases productivity, creativity and performance.

While 10 minutes is the ideal break period, let’s start with 5 to get in the swing of it.

During this five minutes, change your posture and your physiology. Maybe stand and go for a walk, or simply stretch. Now take ten deep “diaphragm breaths”, one after the other counting each one, from one to 10, thinking only about the way you are breathing in, and the air you are breathing out.

A focused mind can do this exercise without a hitch.

A mind clouded with activity, will lose track of the count before they get to 10, and have to start again.

You know that you have a focused mind capable of “accurate thinking” if you can achieve this relaxation period on demand.

3) Turn off all devices and use an old-fashioned paper and pen

With all your devices turned off, and maybe not even in view, simply get a blank white sheet of paper, you choose the size, and a marker or your favourite writing implement.

On the top of the sheet or in the middle (if you like mind mapping) write a short sentence that represents your question for this period of “accurate thinking”. Then, without editing your thoughts, simply jot down ideas and points to do with this one topic.

Let your mind flow. Just keep writing.

Using different colour markers or highlighters can sometimes help your creativity.

Only when you have exhausted your thoughts, should you stop.

Keep this sheet of paper, and refer to it just before you go to bed. I’m a great believer in the unconscious mind, and its ability to provide us solutions when given half a chance. By reviewing your notes before you go to bed, give your unconscious mind permission to look for alternative solutions while you sleep soundly in a deep and relaxing way.

In the morning, do not be surprised if a few more ideas come to your awareness as you awake. Get ready to capture these immediately, as they may be fleeting, and evaporate as quickly as they appeared.

In a day or two, repeat the exercise with a new fresh piece of paper, with the same topic, and notice how the points and ideas may have developed or changed.

At the end of each session, consider creating an action list resulting from your thinking. Not only identify what to do, but who could do it, and when they could do it by, and the results you expect to see.

By putting this information in writing, you are helping yourself apply “accurate thinking”. You see, many entrepreneurs will change their thinking to fit their model. This entrepreneurial mindset of not wanting to be wrong, because of the high self-esteem we have. And this can be avoided using this method.

When you are faced with the evidence of what you said you can do, by when, and what results are expected, along with the reality of actual results, in writing, you are forced to face the facts and make adjustments. In other words, exert “accurate thinking”.

4) Work with another entrepreneur as a sounding board

Another brilliant way of getting to accurate thinking quickly is to work with a like-minded person, an entrepreneurial spirit, who can help you focus and hold you accountable.

The reason you need another entrepreneur is because you want someone with the same mindset. Having someone who does not have the same positive spirit, without the same can-do attitude, is both frustrating and pointless.

Do not pick a “YES” man.

I interviewed a very successful business person while on my travels in New Zealand. One of the most poignant things he said to me was “I will only ever hire people, or take advice from people who are as successful or more successful than I am”. There are hundreds of thousands of coaches who could act as a sounding board. However, all but a handful will be successful as you are, or as successful as you want to be.

So there it is. Accurate thinking versus the entrepreneurial mindset.

I would appreciate your views. Maybe add your comments below. What do you think? As an entrepreneur yourself, do you agree with any of the above? Do you believe you may be leaving money and opportunity on the table?

If so, which of the four tips above do you think might work for you? Have you tried any before? How did they work for you?

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All the best

Gordon D’Silva

Gordon D’Silva is an International bestselling author of “Profit Propeller”, An Award-Winning Accountant, and a Speaker. He has developed The Profit Multiplier Program for entrepreneurs within Owner Managed Businesses, and their teams. Committed to results, he holds his clients accountable to their actions and time scales. His no holds barred, and direct approach is his calling card. To find out more about his work, click here.


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