
Can I get coached for free?

Surprisingly, yes you can. I have a free Facebook group where I do some group coaching every week. Join for free, and participate in the group to grow your business skills and results. http://bit.ly/FBGroupSSB

Why should I pay for coaching?

You don’t have to. But when you do, there is a mindset shift… That you begin to implement more consistently, as you have skin in the game.You also get the right to ask your questions of the coach, then get targeted answers on a much faster timescale.

What results can I expect?

Different coaches offer different things. For me it is money and time.If your goals were monetary, then I would expect you to get between three times and 10 times return on investment.If your goals were time based,and you wanted more free time, then we would give your time a monetary value and use the same multiplier.So the value I expect you to get is between three times and 10 times your investment.Remember that this return will often be repeated year-on-year, so it is really many times more than 3x or 10x…

Will I get instant results?

The answer is unlikely. They have been a couple of situations when we have got a significant return on investment on the first meeting. That is not the experience of most.My recipe for coaching is to work on the low hanging fruit first, and then build from there.My goal is for you to repay your investment in coaching in the first three months, so the rest of the year’s progress is “free”.

Do you offer guarantees?

Surprisingly, yes I do. First I offer a 30 day happiness guarantee. If, for any reason, or no reason at all, you do not feel my coaching style is for you, in the first 30 days, simply ask for a full refund.If you are on the 90 day program, and you don’t get a return at least equal to your investment, simply ask for a full refund or any part of it. It will be courteously agreed to.If you are on the one-year program and you do not get at least three times return on investment, you’re welcome to ask for a full or partial refund to make sure you get your returns.

What should I consider before I hire a coach?

The first thing to consider before you hire a coach is whether you are coachable.

Are you willing to change  and implement?

Remember, many of the things we all discuss, you will feel you know.

But, as you are aware,  there is a difference between knowing and implementing.

My personal mix of coaching is openly discussing issues, and then implementing them.

Once we implement, we test the effectiveness,  adjust and go again

So, we must see the world in the same way. You have to agree to some form of adjustment of what you’re  doing now, otherwise there is no point having a coach.

Why are you different?

Did you say there is nothing new under the sun… So I may not be different from some, but I am different from many.

Firstly, I am a successful business owner myself, and I have applied all the principles and techniques that I teach, in my businesses.

Secondly, I have had the privilege of working with over 1000 businesses, understanding why some work, many  languish, and quite a few fail.

This has led me to study all aspects of business from accounting to marketing, from sales to productivity.

I bring my 35 years in business to bear on solving the issues holding your business back.

I stand by my advice with my money back guarantees.

I don’t need your money to pay my bills. 

I do this because I love doing it, and I charge for it because it keeps everyone more serious about getting results.

If you are so successful, why are you still working?

 I do what I do because I love doing it.

I’m not the sort of person who could sit on the beach for anything more than an hour or two without getting bored stupid.

Even on holiday, I have to go swimming, sailing, kayaking, trekking, diving, snorkelling etc. to avoid getting bored.

The rest of my time I spend reading business books and listening to podcasts.

Yes I am a business geek! 🙂

30 odd years ago, had my coaches and mentors not helped me improve my business, I would not be where I am today.

This is my way of giving back.

Furthermore, I’ve got to where I am today earning my living offering value to business owners. 

I love business owners.

I want them to have the same benefits as I do in a few years, if they haven’t already.

What should I expect?

When we work together, there will be a structure, to make sure I can add as much value to your business and to you personally in the time we have together.

There will be a video training for you to watch.

These will be delivered in bite-sized chunks of between five and 20 minutes.

They will be structured calls.

Some of these will be as a group.

Others will be one-to-one with you.

The more you interact, the more benefit you will receive.

You will also receive frameworks for things like writing ads, reviewing your numbers, coming up with content for your social media activity, and much more.

 We will start with a deep dive into your business, and your personal ambitions.

We will map out your numbers, to identify the low hanging fruit, and key leverage points.

I intend for you to receive the biggest return on investment you possibly can from our work together.

Remember, there will be a blend of coaching, mentoring, and consulting.

This is a powerful mix to get you moving faster and easier than without our interaction together.

Book a call now, and let’s see if we can work together.

It is free, but still very valuable. I want you to get a real sense of what it would be like to work with me…